I noticed that here in Serbia collaborating with other bloggers is not such a big thing. On the other hand You Tubers are way more willing to collaborate, but bloggers aren't. Perhaps they see each others as a competition, which is totally wrong if you ask me.

So I decided to write few reasons why is good to collaborate with other bloggers.

#1 If some blogger from your city/country caught your eye don't hesitate to reach out for them! 
As I mentioned before, bloggers aren't so into collaborating with their fellows bloggers but I encourage you to contact one you love! There is no space for shame in this bussines. Don't miss good times beacuse you were to shy to approach them. You can't lose anything but you can gain a lot!

#2 You will get a friend, like real friend!
There is no such a thing as sitting and talking for hours about stuff you love without getting another person bored. That's priceless! After that everything else comes natural. It's very important to be surrounded by people who understad you and support you and believe me I found so many good friends in bloggers, I never dreamed I will. Im so happy I had chance to meet them and to have them in my life.

#3 You will grow faster on social media!
When you are working with other bloggers, that means double traffic! They will tag you, share you or mention you and people will see that you are out there and that means you a lot.

#4 You will grow together!
I mean grow as a person. You will share your experiences, learn from each others. Everything is easier when you have someone by your side. They will cheer you up, tell you to work harder, be better, work more on your writing or posing. Especially if you are new into this. You can spend days and hours trying to figure out how it's working, but if you meet with some fellow blogger you can find out all of that in one day!

#5 Befriend the competition!
My chemistry teacher was always saying that the biggest victory is the one with yourself. Only competition you need is yourself. Don't compare yourself to others. Strive to be the best version of yourself. I know it sounds cheesey but that's true.
Primetila sam kako u našoj blogosferi ne vlada toliki entuzijazam kad je u pitanju saradnja sa drugim blogerima. Kod jutjubera je to nekako postalo normalno, a kod blogera i ne baš. Možda zato što jedni druge vide kao konkurenciju, što je velika greška.

#1 Ako vam se svidja rad nekog blogera a iz istog ste grada/države, nemojte da vam bude glupo da im se javite!
Sigurna sam da ste do sada naučili da ovde nema sramote. Preživeli ste čudne poglede i podsmehe dok su vas slikali, preživeli ste okolinu sa onim "ti se samo slikaš" . Ništa ne gubite ako se javite osobi iz vaše branše, čak šta više dobijate mnogo.

#2 Dobićete prijatelja!
Ima li nešto lepše od toga kad se nadjete u društvu onih koji vas razumeju? Sa kojima možete satima da pričate o šminci, odeći i kojima nećete dosaditi istom pričom. Ne samo o tome, nego i o životnim temama. Blog mi je doneo toliko kvalitetnih i dragocenih ljudi i neizmerno sam srećna zbog toga!

#3 Bićete primećeni na društvenim mrežama.
Kad saradjujete sa nekim, imate duple klikove. Oni će vas pomenti u postu, tagovati na fotki na Instagramu, možda šerovati na Fejsu. Spread the love. Oboje ste na dobiku!

#4 Razvijaćete se zajedno.
Kad radite sa nekim, automatski znači da delite znanje i iskustvo. To mnogo znači, dopunjavaćete jedno drugo. Dve osobe su pametnije nego jedna. Uvidećete i sami koliko saradnja zapravo znači.

#5 Najveća pobeda je pobeda nad samim sobom. Befriend the competition!
Moj profesor hemije je stalno govorio kako je najveća pobeda, pobeda nad samim sobom. To vam sve govori. Nemojte se uporedjivati sa drugima, nemojte se truditi da budete bolji od drugih. Budite najbolja verzija sebe! To je najvažnije, a pronadjite nekog ko će vas podržavati, rasti sa vama, biti dobar prijatelj, verujte, vredi!


Photos by Jelena (Moj Neseser) & Matt